Books - $10 

                "The Fruit Still Falls From The Tree"


                "The Fruit Is Still Falling"


                "Road Moments."


          Song Albums - $10 - CD / All Six Albums on Thumb Drive - $25 

                   "I Have A Friend"  - 50th Anniversary Album 


                 "Favorites"  - A collection of solo favorites from early albums  


                   "Christmas at the Cottage" - A solo collection of 15 Christmas Songs                                        


                    "Our Favorites" - A collection of duet favorites from early albums


                 "Just Hymns" - A solo album by Lane Loman of hymns


                 "His Presence" - A solo album by Lane Loman 


                   Sermon by Dr. J. Harold Loman (Print/CD of sermon being preached)


                   Sermon - Uncle Bud Robinson - "The Second Touch" CD - $5


                  Sermons - Lane Loman - $5 - Please click here for complete list of sermons on CD.

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                  Sermons - Dr. J. Harold Loman -$5 - Please click here for complete list of sermons on CD.

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                                   All product shipped postage paid with statement and postage paid return envelope.